Sunday, February 20, 2011

hello, nice to meet you

renegade craft fair
I am finally starting a blog after a lot of coercing by my friends who blog, Ruby (cakies) and Danni (Hello, friend). Yes, I have succumbed to peer pressure and for some reason my friends think that I have some things to contribute to the blogging community (I am not sure what though!). If you are here because Ruby and Danni forced you here, well, hello nice to meet you! If you are here because of your own free will, well golly gee... thanks too!!!

Thanks Danni and Ruby, I love you lots and hope to make both of you proud!!!


  1. YOU FINALLY HAVE A BLOG!!!!! LOVE IT! Seriously am so excited, now I can blog-stalk you! xo.

  2. haha... i happened along this lovely blog via ruby. happy blogging!!!

  3. haha! well, i love what i see so far. i came by way of danni and i'm thankful to know about it. absolutely loved your invitations and wedding (too early to confess blog stalking?) and look forward to following your blog! welcome to the blogosphere!

  4. welcome ! I'm new at this blog too. We have so much to explore!!! =)

  5. yes, i read the cakies and hello friend blogs/ welcome to the blogging world! hehe <3 have a nice weekend.

  6. Hello!

    I came across your blog and your video with your sisters. I'm the middle child of three girls too! We are crazy as well, and your video touched me :)
    I just started blogging myself and I'm looking forward to being a part of the warm community in the blogosphere. Best of luck to you!! I look forward to following your blog. God Bless :)
