Tuesday, February 14, 2012

love day

What a day! Not only did we celebrate Valentine's Day, we also celebrated our 100th day in school! The kids were totally excited and straight up wild!

Picnik collage

I'm so exhausted from today, my thoughts will be in bullet (heart) points!

Valentine's Day is the only day you'll see me in hot pink. It's just not my color.

That's my co-worker rockin' the cute baby belly!

Got the idea for this 100 day door decoration from this blog. There are some stinkin' creative teachers out there. Total side note, I just spent an hour on youtube watching teachers teach. I'm such a nerd.

I am so glad my student teacher and I work well together. We tag team in the classroom and it is so nice to have another adult in the room!

Our school cafeteria got in the love spirit and served heart-shaped chicken nuggets, strawberry (pink) milk, and sugar cookies. With our very strict nutrition guidelines at our school, this certainly was a treat for the kiddos.

I got a super cute text message from my momma wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day. I know she's super busy with school today, so it meant a lot that she took a few seconds to text me. Lovez her.

My dad turned 58 today! Yup, his bday is on love day!

My kiddos showered me with crazy random gifts and loads of candy/chocolate. I always get more gifts for Valentine's Day than I do for Christmas!

The 3 "big" Bratcher girls called me and sang me a "Happy Valentine's Day" song! Gah! I love them!

I didn't get to spend love day with my love. Wahhhh! Boo hoo, for me. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find my favorite flowers on my doorstep when I got home from work. I can't wait for my lilies and tulips to bloom! Thank you, hubz. Sorry I didn't make or get you anything! Ha! Horrible wife status.

God has blessed me with His love and has graciously placed loving people around me. I, mos def, felt the love today.

Happy Love Day!


  1. you need to wear hot pink more often!

  2. 1. a's looking so cute!
    2. yday was absolutely INSANE.
    3. mrs. williams' kinders' produce work that's better than my 2nd graders.
    4. we need to catch up soon.

  3. i ALSO get more gifts on vday than on christmas!! how funny! :) did you get a light up rose? no valentine's day is complete without a light up rose!

  4. dad turned 59. and texted mom hapy vday in the AM so she text us back :) you're welcome

  5. @est - coffee date next week. SERIOUSLY this time. no joke.

    @jane - I get one of those EVERY year but this year I got a GLASS rose instead. Talk about major upgrade!

    @jenny - 59?! Did we have 59 candles on the cake?! no way...

  6. LOL! Linda, get your father's birthday right, hahaha.

    Whitney we love you! I'm a 80's lover :(... lucky record owner.

    I'll hint at John! ;)LOL
