Sunday, June 2, 2013

is it summer yet?

This has been a really odd school year. I love my job. I love my kids. I love my coworkers... But I'm totally ready for summer!

One of my students was celebrating his birthday a few weeks ago. He was super excited all week and kept on telling me that he had a surprise for me. I was confused but whatever, first graders say crazy things all the time. His actual birthday rolls around and as I'm dismissing, he says "Surprise, Mrs. Park! Gary's here!" Yup. He brought Gary Payton to school.  Strange year, I tell you.

It totes doesn't help that I work with some crazy people!

photo(12)  Hoxie1


But seriously, I love my coworkers! We are quite an ODD bunch, don't you think! Har. Har.


STAR testing is done! There's only 10 more days of school! What does that mean?! It means we jump for joy! We love to jump! :)

1 comment:

  1. How do I miss out on all the jumping pics? 2 more (minimum) days. We can make it!
